Academic Assistants have been found to be most important people that some students/learners especially those with physical and learning disabilities or those who require one-one-one support to develop basis skills in literacy, numeracy and communication skills. The Academic Assistants are specially trained and possess the expertise to support learners to develop and build on educational foundation skills. You can request an Academic Assistant, who will be allocated to you when you make bookings and they will support you in your own or a closely related subject area. Your Personal Academic Assistant will offer one-to-one support and advice with your studies or with other issues you may have so that you can thrive with education.
Your Personal Academic Assistant will help you to:
- Make the most out of your tuition time and provide advice on personal study.
- Adopt the best learning styles and strategies to meet your learning needs.
- Reflect on your progress and support you in thinking about your academic development.
- Help you to find the best way to deal with any academic or personal difficulties that may affect your progress.
- Help you to tailor your learning to the area of interest regarding your future employment.
- Support you with academic matters including support for you to make informed choices of options for the next level of your educational programme and reviewing your assessment outcomes and progress.
Your Academic Assistant may not be an expert on all areas that you need help with (you may for example have relationship issues, health worries, or financial problems), but s/he may be signpost you to other appropriate support and work with you to find appropriate pathways to resolve difficulties.
Obviously, it is important to read the background of Academic Assistants of your choice to ensure that their expertise and experiences match you personal needs. You should contact the Academic Assistant to clarify any questions you might and understand whether they will be able to meet your unique educational needs. Effective academic support relies in effective relationship building and so you will need to be sure that you can relate well with the Academic Assistant before making your bookings. Regular contacts with your Academic Assistant is essential in building of mutual trust between you and your Personal Academic Assistant. Your Academic Assistant will be able to give you better advice if he or she gets to know you. And so make sure that your Academic Assistant knows about your academic achievements and skills.